Казиното налага лимити за теглене на печалби от прогресивните джакпоти
Казиното прилага лимит за теглене на печалби от прогресивните джакпоти. Ние считаме това за несправедливо, тъй като тези печалби обичайно се изплащат от доставчика на играта, така че няма логика казиното да ги ограничава чрез лимит за теглене.
Казиното работи без лиценз
Казиното работи без лиценз. В резултат на това, казиното не спазва правилата на лицензиращите власти. Освен това вие няма да можете да се обърнете към регулатора в случай на проблем.
Проучихме подробно Vive Mon Casino и му дадохме под ниския рейтинг на сигурност. Това казино има някои добри качества, но също така и доста негативни. И заради тях е по-добре да се играе някъде другаде. В нашето ревю сме взели под внимание оплакванията на играчите, приходите, лицензът, оригиналността на игрите, качеството на поддръжката на клиентите, честността на Правила и условията, лимитите за печалби и изтегляне и други фактори. Тъй като Vive Mon Casino е свързано с други онлайн казина, показани по-долу, рейтингът е повлиян и от тях. Прочетете пълното ревю по-долу и научете повече за това казино.
Според нашите проучвания и заключения, по отношение на приходите Vive Mon Casino е средно по размер онлайн казино. Част е от група свързани казина, но дори и взета предвид като едно цяло, тази група е само средна по размер. Приходите на дадео казино са важен фактор, защото големите онлайн казина не би трябвало да имат проблеми с изплащането на големи печалби. По-малките казина може да имат затруднения, ако уцелите наистина голяма печалба.
Vive Mon Casino оперира без валиден лиценз.
В момента имаме 2 оплаквания за това казино в базата ни данни, а също така 28 оплаквания за други казина, свързани с него. Заради тези оплаквания, дадохме на казиното общо 759 черни точки. От тях 426 идват от свързани казина. Може да намерите още информация за всички жалби и черни точки по-долу в частта "Обяснение на индекса на сигурност" от ревюто.
Внимание: Vive Mon Casino има определени секции в Правила и условия, които според нас санечестни спрямо играчите в казиното. Поради това ви съветваме да потърсите казино с честни правила или поне да обърнете специално внимание на Условия и правила, ако решите да играете в това казино.
Vive Mon Casino попада в само един черен списък. Може да го намерите по-долу, но той не е повлиял на рейтинга на казиното. Решихме да го игнорираме или защото е свързан с предишния собственик на казиното, или заради някоя друга сериозна причина.
Както споменахме, дадохме на Vive Mon Casino под средния индекс на сигурност. Това означава, че макар казиното да не е непременно лошо, има някои негативни качества, поради които препоръчваме да намерите по-добро онлайн казино, където да играете.
Разгледайте всички бонуси, предлагани от Vive Mon Casino, включително предложенията за бонуси без депозит и бонуси за първи депозит.
Casino Guru
Искаме играчите да разберат играта.
Ревюта на Vive Mon Casino
Това е място за споделяне на опит от Vive Mon Casino. Прочетете какво са написали други играчи или напишете ваше ревю - така всеки ще разбере позитивите и негативите, които сте лично изпитали.
Потребителка оценка:
Няма достатъчно ревюта
Оценено от 8 потребители
Много позитивнаПозитивнаНеутралнаНегативнаМного негативна
Измамникът е лесен за депозиране, но ужасно и най-лошото теглене. Любов към деактивиран акаунт, след като играчите искат да изтеглят толкова много по-добри казино там, това не се препоръчва.
Scammer easy to deposit but terrible and worst withdrawal. Love to disabled account once players wants to withdraw so many better casino out there this one is not recommended.
Много лошо казино, което иска само да яде пари от депозит, но след като спечелите, ще деактивира акаунта ви
Very bad casino who only want to eat money from deposit but once you win they will disabled your account
Известията за депозит по пощата са фалшиви. като сте забелязали само paytoserve, ще получите, че ще изглежда, че сте купили нещо като дрехи и т.н. и няма да видите официален имейл от тях, че депозирате под името на казиното
Deposit mail notification are bogus. with only paytoserve noticed u will receive that it will appear that you bought something like clothes etc. and you will not see a formal email from them that u deposit under the casino name
няма отговор от имейла им за поддръжка на клиенти, след като са ви блокирали на сайта
no response from their customer support email after they blocked you on there site
Индекс на сигурност
Обяснение на индекса на безопасност на Vive Mon Casino
Вижте обяснението на факторите, които взимаме предвид, когато смятаме индекса на сигурност на Vive Mon Casino. Индексът на сигурност е най-важната оценка за описание на безопасността, честността и качеството на казината в нашата база данни.
Индекс на сигурност:Под средния6.3/10
Средно казино, спрямо нашите проучвания и оценки
Смятаме правилата и условията на това казино за отчасти нечестни
Не е намерно в релевантни черни списъци на казина
Ниска стойност на задържани печалби в жалбите на играчи спрямо размера на казиното
Отчели сме и други фактори, които имат негативно влияние върху индекса на сигурност на казиното
Казиното налага лимити за теглене на печалби от прогресивните джакпоти
Казиното прилага лимит за теглене на печалби от прогресивните джакпоти. Ние считаме това за несправедливо, тъй като тези печалби обичайно се изплащат от доставчика на играта, така че няма логика казиното да ги ограничава чрез лимит за теглене.
Казиното работи без лиценз
Казиното работи без лиценз. В резултат на това, казиното не спазва правилата на лицензиращите власти. Освен това вие няма да можете да се обърнете към регулатора в случай на проблем.
Нечестни правила и условия
Това казино прилага ограничения при изтегляне на печалби от прогресивен джакпот.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
7 Reels Casino has a Safety Index of 7,9, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
7 Reels Casino has a Safety Index of 7,9, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
7 Reels Casino has a Safety Index of 7,9, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
7 Reels Casino has a Safety Index of 7,9, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
21Dukes Casino has a Safety Index of 7,5, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
21Dukes Casino has a Safety Index of 7,5, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
21Dukes Casino has a Safety Index of 7,5, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
21Dukes Casino has a Safety Index of 7,5, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
21Dukes Casino has a Safety Index of 7,5, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани 7 Spins Casino
(Един и същ собственик)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
7 Spins Casino has a Safety Index of 7,9, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
7 Spins Casino has a Safety Index of 7,9, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани Paris VIP Casino
(Един и същ собственик)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Paris VIP Casino has a Safety Index of 5,2, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани Casino Moons
(Същият афилиейт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Winward Casino has a Safety Index of 6,3, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Winward Casino has a Safety Index of 6,3, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Winward Casino has a Safety Index of 6,3, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Winward Casino has a Safety Index of 6,3, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани Slots Village Casino
(Същият афилиейт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Slots Village Casino has a Safety Index of 6,5, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Slots Village Casino has a Safety Index of 6,5, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Slots Village Casino has a Safety Index of 6,5, which makes it a casino with an above-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани Rich Casino
(Същият афилиейт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Thebes Casino has a Safety Index of 6,2, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Thebes Casino has a Safety Index of 6,2, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Thebes Casino has a Safety Index of 6,2, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Thebes Casino has a Safety Index of 6,2, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Thebes Casino has a Safety Index of 6,2, which makes it a casino with a below-average level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
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