Внимателно проучихме Genting Casino и му дадохме висок индекс на сигурност. Това означава, че е отлично казино, където да играете. В нашето ревю сме взели под внимание оплакванията на играчите, приходите, лицензът, оригиналността на игрите, качеството на поддръжката на клиентите, честността на Правила и условията, лимитите за печалби и изтегляне и други фактори. Тъй като Genting Casino е свързано с други онлайн казина, показани по-долу, рейтингът е повлиян и от тях. Прочетете пълното ревю по-долу и научете повече за това казино.
Според нашите проучвания и заключения, по отношение на приходите Genting Casino е едно от най-големите онлайн казина с огромен брой играчи. Приходите на дадео казино са важен фактор, защото големите онлайн казина не би трябвало да имат проблеми с изплащането на големи печалби. По-малките казина може да имат затруднения, ако уцелите наистина голяма печалба.
Genting Casino е свързано с реални казина или букмейкъри. Съдейки само от сайта на онлайн казиното, то би трябвало да има по-нисък рейтинг, отколкото сме му дали. Наличието на реално съществуващи казина обаче добавя правдоподобност на онлайн казиното и поради тази причина леко вдигнахме рейтинга.
В момента имаме 2 оплаквания за това казино в базата ни данни, а също така 20 оплаквания за други казина, свързани с него. Заради тези оплаквания, дадохме на казиното общо 630 черни точки. От тях 630 идват от свързани казина. Може да намерите още информация за всички жалби и черни точки по-долу в частта "Обяснение на индекса на сигурност" от ревюто.
Внимание: Genting Casino има определени секции в Правила и условия, които според нас санечестни спрямо играчите в казиното. Поради това ви съветваме да потърсите казино с честни правила или поне да обърнете специално внимание на Условия и правила, ако решите да играете в това казино.
Базирано на цялата информация, събрана в ревюто, уверено можем да кажем, че Genting Casino е много добро онлайн казино. Може да очаквате добро отношение и да се насладите на времето си, ако решите да играете в него.
Разгледайте всички бонуси, предлагани от Genting Casino, включително предложенията за бонуси без депозит и бонуси за първи депозит.
Casino Guru
Искаме играчите да разберат играта.
Ревюта на Genting Casino
Това е място за споделяне на опит от Genting Casino. Прочетете какво са написали други играчи или напишете ваше ревю - така всеки ще разбере позитивите и негативите, които сте лично изпитали.
Потребителка оценка:
Няма достатъчно ревюта
Оценено от 9 потребители
Много позитивнаПозитивнаНеутралнаНегативнаМного негативна
Много лошо, ужасно, казино, което твърди, че съществува от повече години от други, лоша проверка на документите Време е за теглене, те искат да запазят парите
Very bad, terrible, a casino that claims to have been around for more years than others, poor verification of documents Time to withdraw, they want to keep the money
Muy mala pésima un casino que disen llevar más años qué otros mala verificación de documentos al Momento de retirar se quieren quedar con el dinero
Много лошо обслужване на клиентите, задържат парите от първия депозит
Very poor customer service, they keep the money from the first deposit
Muy mala atención al cliente se quedan con el dinero de primer depósito
Лоша проверка на документи
Poor document verification
Mala verificación de documentos
Лоша проверка на документи
Poor document verification
Mala verificación de documentos
Те задържат парите от първия ви депозит
They keep the money from your first deposit
Se quedan con el dinero de tu primer depósito
Не ви позволяват да се оттеглите
They don't let you withdraw
No dejan retirar
Много сложно при качване на документация за теглене
Very complicated when uploading documentation for withdrawal
Muy complicado ala hora de subir documentación para retiro
Невъзможно е да презаредите акаунта си в това казино! Има постоянна грешка при попълване, всички възможни опции за попълване не работят, страницата се зарежда през цялото време
It is impossible to top up your account at this casino! There is a constant replenishment error, all possible replenishment options do not work, the page is loading all the time
След като получих препоръки от приятели, реших да изпробвам това казино. Предлага атрактивни бонуси за добре дошли и бързо обработва депозити и тегления. Дизайнът на уебсайта е лесен за използване, което прави навигацията и достъпа до необходимите секции лесни. Заслужава да се отбележи липсата на разнообразие в игралния асортимент и ограниченият избор на методи на плащане.
After receiving recommendations from friends, I decided to try out this casino. It offers attractive welcome bonuses and promptly processes deposits and withdrawals. The website design is user-friendly, making navigation and access to the necessary sections easy. It's worth noting the lack of variety in the gaming assortment and limited choice of payment methods.
Единственото казино, в което съм играл, което прави тегления моментално. И това ми хареса, има казина, които отнемат до 4 дни
The only casino that I have played that makes withdrawals instantly. And I liked that, there are casinos that take up to 4 days
El único casino de los que he jugado que te hace las retiradas al instante. Y eso me ha gustado, hay casinos que tardan hasta 4 días
Индекс на сигурност
Обяснение на индекса на безопасност на Genting Casino
Вижте обяснението на факторите, които взимаме предвид, когато смятаме индекса на сигурност на Genting Casino. Индексът на сигурност е най-важната оценка за описание на безопасността, честността и качеството на казината в нашата база данни.
Индекс на сигурност:Висок8.5/10
Много голямо казино, спрямо нашите проучвания и оценки
Смятаме правилата и условията на това казино за отчасти нечестни
Не е намерно в релевантни черни списъци на казина
Няма жалби на играчи или много ниска стойност на задържани печалби в жалбите спрямо размера на казиното
Отчели сме и други фактори, които не повлияха върху индекса на сигурност на казиното
Това казино забранява определи схеми или стратегии за залагане (дори и да играете без бонус средства), но засега не сме установили правилото да се използва срещу играчи.
Други фактори
Репутацията се повишава при наземни казина или букмейкърски пунктове
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
LuckyMe Slots Casino has a Safety Index of 8,4, which makes it a safe casino suitable for most players. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани Lord Ping Casino
(Един и същ мениджмънт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Simba Games Casino has a Safety Index of 8,4, which makes it a safe casino suitable for most players. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани Prime Casino
(Един и същ мениджмънт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.