Проучихме подробно LottaBet Casino и му дадохме много нисък индекс на сигурност. Това означава, че не го смятаме за казино, в което е безопасно да се играе. В нашето ревю сме взели под внимание оплакванията на играчите, приходите, лицензът, оригиналността на игрите, качеството на поддръжката на клиентите, честността на Правила и условията, лимитите за печалби и изтегляне и други фактори. LottaBet Casino е свързано с други онлайн казина, показани по-долу, и рейтингът му е повлиян негативно от тях. Прочетете пълното ревю по-долу и научете повече за това казино.
Според нашите проучвания и заключения, по отношение на приходите LottaBet Casino е по-малко онлайн казино. Това е част от свързана казино група, но дори и така, тази група е твърде малка, за да бъде оценявана Приходите на дадео казино са важен фактор, защото големите онлайн казина не би трябвало да имат проблеми с изплащането на големи печалби. По-малките казина може да имат затруднения, ако уцелите наистина голяма печалба.
В момента имаме 1 оплаквания за това казино в базата ни данни, а също така 16 оплаквания за други казина, свързани с него. Заради тези оплаквания, дадохме на казиното общо 10 277 черни точки. От тях 10 027 идват от свързани казина. Може да намерите още информация за всички жалби и черни точки по-долу в частта "Обяснение на индекса на сигурност" от ревюто.
Внимание: LottaBet Casino има 100 000 $ дневен лимит на печалбите. Това означава, че сумата на печалбите ви за един ден (без да се взимат под внимание загубите), не може да бъде по-висока от 100 000 $. Ако спечелите повече, няма да получите парите, които са над лимита. Считаме всяко ограничение на печалбите за изключително нечестно спрямо играчите. Поради това наказваме всяко казино, които ги използва. Изключение правим в случаите, когато ограничението е наложено от местните правила или закони.
Базирано на информацията в ревюто ни, LottaBet Casino има много нисък индекс на сигурност. Не препоръчваме да играте в него и силно препоръчваме да стоите далеч от него.
Разгледайте всички бонуси, предлагани от LottaBet Casino, включително предложенията за бонуси без депозит и бонуси за първи депозит.
Casino Guru
Искаме играчите да разберат играта.
Ревюта на LottaBet Casino
Това е място за споделяне на опит от LottaBet Casino. Прочетете какво са написали други играчи или напишете ваше ревю - така всеки ще разбере позитивите и негативите, които сте лично изпитали.
Потребителка оценка:
Няма достатъчно ревюта
Оценено от 1 потребител
Много позитивнаПозитивнаНеутралнаНегативнаМного негативна
Едно от лошите казино. Никога не депозирайте и не играйте в този сайт за измами и измами. Депозирах и спечелих 10 000 INR, но когато поисках теглене, те блокираха акаунта ми
One of the bad casino.Never deposit and play in this Fraud & Scam site.I deposited and won 10000 INR but when I placed withdrawal requested they blocked my account
Наличен метод за депозит UPI
UPI deposit method available
Портфейлът също е наличен за депозит
Wallet also available for deposit
Депозирайте кредит незабавно
Deposit credit instantly
Много методи за плащане, налични за депозит
Many payments methods available for deposit
Много най-лошата поддръжка на клиенти
Very worst customer support
Те блокират акаунта, когато подават заявка за теглене
They block account when placing withdrawal request
Те нямат възможност да ви платят големи печалби
They don't have ability to pay you big amount winning
Те ще искат само много документи от вас и ще блокират акаунта накрая
They will only ask many documents from you and block account in last
Индекс на сигурност
Обяснение на индекса на безопасност на LottaBet Casino
Вижте обяснението на факторите, които взимаме предвид, когато смятаме индекса на сигурност на LottaBet Casino. Индексът на сигурност е най-важната оценка за описание на безопасността, честността и качеството на казината в нашата база данни.
Индекс на сигурност:Много нисък2.5/10
Малко до средно казино, спрямо нашите проучвания и оценки
Смятаме правилата и условията на това казино за честни
Не е намерно в релевантни черни списъци на казина
Много висока стойност на задържани печалби в жалбите на играчи спрямо размера на казиното
Отчели сме и други фактори, които имат негативно влияние върху индекса на сигурност на казиното
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Tornadobet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,7, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани SlottoJAM Casino
(Един и същ мениджмънт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
SlottoJAM Casino has a Safety Index of 2,4, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
SlottoJAM Casino has a Safety Index of 2,4, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
SlottoJAM Casino has a Safety Index of 2,4, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани Mundoapostas Casino
(Един и същ мениджмънт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
Mundoapostas Casino has a Safety Index of 2,3, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани ReloadBet Casino
(Един и същ мениджмънт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
ReloadBet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,2, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
ReloadBet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,2, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
ReloadBet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,2, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
ReloadBet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,2, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
ReloadBet Casino has a Safety Index of 2,2, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Оплаквания по свързани LSbet Casino
(Един и същ мениджмънт)
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
LSbet Casino has a Safety Index of 2, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
LSbet Casino has a Safety Index of 2, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
In line with our review methodology, we calculated the casino’s Safety Index based on more than 20 factors, including its financials, fairness of T&Cs, player complaints, and more. The higher the Safety Index, the more likely you are to receive your winnings without issues.
LSbet Casino has a Safety Index of 2, which means some of the considered factors point to a very low level of safety. Explore this casino’s Safety Index
Покажи 15 още оплаквания
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