Явно собственикът и лицензът са се променили. Страницата сега казва:
Марката WinLegends, която се управлява от Alimaniere Sociedad De Responsabilidad Limitada (фирмен номер 3-102-824430, дата на учредяване 04/08/2021) със седалище: San Jose - Montes de Oca, Barrio Dent, от Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano , двеста метра север и петдесет метра изток, сграда Офидент, офис номер три.
Apparently the owner and license has changed. The page now says:
The brand WinLegends that is operated by Alimaniere Sociedad De Responsabilidad Limitada (company number 3-102-824430, date of incorporation 04/08/2021) with its registered address: San Jose - Montes de Oca, Barrio Dent, From Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano , two hundred meters North and fifty meters East, Ofident building, office number three.
Anscheinend hat der Besitzer und die Lizenz gewechselt. Auf der Seite steht nun folgendes:
The brand WinLegends that is operated by Alimaniere Sociedad De Responsabilidad Limitada (company number 3-102-824430, date of incorporation 04/08/2021) with its registered address: San Jose - Montes de Oca, Barrio Dent, From Centro Cultural Costarricense Norteamericano, two hundred meters North and fifty meters East, Ofident building, office number three.
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