Спечелих 100 евро за 12 дни и нищо не са сложили... Всеки ден в чата ми казват едно и също стихотворение... че е препратено във финансовия отдел и се проверява и че не са компетентни ... и че те разбират и и и.... мръсници... Имам чувството, че подценяват интелигентността ми... Най-лошото, което някога ми се е случвало в казино
След прегледа тук парите дойдоха
I have won 100 euros for 12 days and they have not put anything... Every day in the chat they tell me the same poem... that it has been forwarded to the financial department and is being examined and that they are not competent... and that they understand and and and.... scumbags...I feel like they underestimate my intelligence...Worst ever happened to me in a casino
After the review here the money came in
Έχω κερδίσει 100 ευρώ εδώ και 12 μέρες και δεν έχουν βάλει τίποτα...Κάθε μέρα στο τσατ μου λένε το ίδιο ποίημα...ότι έχει προωθηθεί στο οικονομικό τμήμα και εξετάζεται κι ότι εκείνοι δεν είναι αρμόδιοι...και ότι καταλαβαίνουν και και και.... μπούρδες...Νιώθω ότι υποτιμούν την νοημοσύνη μου...Ότι χειρότερο μου έχει τύχει σε καζίνο
Μετά την κριτική εδώ τα χρήματα μπήκαν