Казиното спря тегленето ми, защото плащането все още не беше обработено и парите никога не бяха в моята сметка, защото бях отхвърлил плащането. Играх с пари, които бях депозирал и потвърдих, че плащането е обработено и спечелих с тях. Сега те използват това като извинение, но това няма смисъл. Играх с пари, които бях депозирал и които също бяха обработени.
Моля за разяснение. Трябва да ми платиш!
Това е неуспешната транзакция.
Моите печалби
The casino stopped my withdrawal because a payment had not yet been processed, and the money was never in my account because I had rejected the payment. I played with money that I had deposited and confirmed that the payment had been processed and won with it. They are now using that as an excuse, but that doesn't make sense. I played with money that I had deposited and that had also been processed.
I ask for clarification. You should pay me!
This is the failed transaction.
My winnings
Das casino hat meine Auszahlung gestoppt, weil eine Zahlung noch nicht abgewickelt wurde , das Geld war auch nie auf meinem Konto, weil ich die Zahlung abgelehnt hatte. Ich habe mit eingezahlten bestätigte Abwicklung des Geldes gespielt und damit gewonnen. Sie nehmen das jetzt als ausrede , das hat keinen Sinn. Ich habe mit eingezahlten Geld gespielt was auch abgewickelt war.
Ich bitte um Klärung Sie sollen mich auszahlen!
Das ist die fehlgeschlagen Abwicklung.
Meine Gewinne
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